The Ridge Motorsports Park is requiring the use of face masks in any building across the facility in conjunction with social distancing of at least 6ft between individuals and 10ft between pits. If you can not maintain a 6' distance between non family members you MUST use a face mask!
It is imperative that you aid us with enforcing these new requirements. We have recently seen other motorsports facilities across the country be shut down because they did not follow or enforce these rules. We know these rules keep changing and shifting but if we as a community do not stay on top of this there will be no Ridge to enjoy.
Please help us stress the importance of wearing a face covering during these times. From this moment face coverings must be worn:
Inside any Ridge Motorsports Park building (Bathrooms, Performance Center, Café, etc.)
When in any group setting (drivers meetings etc.)
Walking around the paddock
Acceptable forms of face masks include bandanas, scarfs, or any other cloth covering that covers the nose and mouth of an individual. If participants do not bring a face mask, one can be purchased inside the Ridge Café for $1.00.
Ridge Motorsports Park officials understand the seriousness of COVID-19 and the profound effect it has on individuals and families in Washington state. So to, officials understand that without proper protocols in place, the spread of the disease is easily transmissible from affected persons. Therefore, it is the Ridge Motorsports Parks responsibility that strict guidelines are developed, followed and enforced to allow for the re-opening of the track first for participant-only events and later for spectator events.
This Health Protection Plan includes policies regarding personal protective equipment (PPE), on-site social distancing, no-contact registration, monitoring signs for symptoms and illness, recommended hygiene and sanitization, employee training, incident reporting and decontamination procedures.
COVID-19 Coordinator:
Tracie Schmitt is the Ridge Motorsports Park COVID-19 coordinator. It is the responsibility of the Coordinator to plan, act as a training liaison, serve as a resource for employees and other constituents, report on compliance and to make recommendations to management on operational aspects and resources. In addition, the Coordinator is the lead person in the company to communicate with local, state and regional agencies and authorities. The Coordinator has the authority to appoint other Ridge officials to be at events they are unable to attend. These appointed officials, under the direction of the Coordinator, have the authority to make changes to events based on compliance with the Health Protection Plan.
COVID-19 Safety Training:
Employee safety training must be conducted prior to each event to explain protective measures and steps outlined in the Health Protection Plan. Likewise, safety training must be discussed with track partners prior to their event day. Copies of the Health Protection Plan will be made available to all event staff and to track partners. A list of training attendees will be kept on file.
Employee and Event Staff Personal Protection Equipment (PPE):
All Ridge personnel are required to wear masks during events. The only exception is for personnel who work in isolated, non-public areas. In addition, all track partners and event organizers are encourage to wear masks and gloves when in areas that interact with participants and the public. PLEASE DO NOT use any medical-style face masks or gloves that would otherwise be used by a health care worker.
Employee Health/Symptoms:
All Ridge personnel including employees, event partners and race organizers are required to undergo a health screening check each day prior to the event beginning. Persons exhibiting symptoms of fever, coughing, or shortness of breath will be sent home. Health check paperwork are to be signed by the employee and by the COVID-19 Coordinator or designee and will be kept confidentially on file. If employees, event partners and race organizers have symptoms of acute respiratory illness, they must stay home until free of symptoms for a least 72 hours without the use of medicine. Employees, event partners or race organizers who have been exposed to someone COVID-19 positive, or themselves have tested positive, must remain home for two weeks minimum, or until symptom free. After that time, they may return only when asymptomatic and with doctor’s permission.
Participant Health/Symptoms:
Participants, crew and family at the direction of the Ridge or the event organizer or sanctioning body may be required to undergo a health screening check prior to entering the facility. This screening may involve a temperature check and a symptom and exposure questionnaire. Screening results will remain confidential. Participants, crew or family members who exhibit signs of acute respiratory illness and/or have a fever will be sent home. Participant, crew and family who have been exposed to someone COVID-19 positive or themselves have been tested positive must remain home for two weeks minimum, or until symptom free.
Electronic Registration:
All Ridge Motorsports Park events and track partner events must utilize pre-event electronic registration of participants and pre-event payment of track fees. This includes an electronic receipt of pre-payments. Electronic waivers are being developed with the assistance of the Ridge Motorsports Park insurance underwriter. There will be no collection of track fees at the gate. Furthermore, track partners are discouraged from staffing registration tables for waivers, registration forms and car numbers unless all social distancing protocols are met.
Pit Parking:
A minimum of one parking space, or approximately 10 feet, is required between race cars, trucks, trailers and haulers.
Social Distancing:
All participants are required to maintain a minimum separation of six feet at all times. Failure to adhere to this rule may result in a participant being asked to leave, with no refund of participant entry fees; or if violation is of a larger scale, the cancellation of the event with no refund of participant entry fees.
Participant Personal Protection Equipment (PPE):
All participants are encouraged to wear PPE, including masks when outside of their pit area. This includes any crew members or family that are in attendance. It is the responsibility of all participants to bring their own masks and other PPE that may be required.
Grandstand and Viewing Areas:
Until further notice, all grandstands and viewing areas are closed. As participant-only events, drivers and their crew and family members are asked to stay in their pit area until their classification is called to the staging lanes or to pre-grid. Track partners, race organizers and participants will be notified when grandstands or other viewing areas open. At that time, social distancing protocols will be in place to ensure that appropriate social distance in the stands is observed.
Event Ingress and Egress:
Depending on the event, access to the facility and time spent at the facility at the conclusion of the event will be limited. Participants are encouraged to leave as quickly as possible at the end of the event. In some cases, when multiple events may be scheduled, participants are asked to leave as quickly as possible after their last run or lap. This will help facilitate a smooth transition for the next event.
Sanitation and Cleanliness:
Ridge Motorsport Park staff will ensure proper cleaning and disinfecting procedures are in place to permanent and portable restrooms and common areas, before, during and after events. Track partners and race organizers will be required to do the same with their areas. Each permanent restroom has sinks, soap and paper towels, every effort will be made to ensure there is no interruption to this service.
After the event, any employee, track partner, event organizer, participant or crew who tests positive for COVID-19 is required to contact the COVID-19 Coordinator or designee so contact tracing and notification can be done. Individuals who contact the Coordinator shall remain confidential.
Any complaints or issues regarding anyone, activity, or lack of protocol at the event shall be brought to the attention of the COVID-19 Coordinator or designee as soon as possible. Track officials reserve the right to revoke facility privileges or cancel the event if protocols are not being followed.